Ferretto – Petrignano

Ferretto – Petrignano

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The itinerary starts from the lay-by near the sports field which is located along the road between Ferretto and Petrignano. From the stopping point, cross the road to take a dirt path that heads towards the Ferretto and enters the woods.

The presence of a relict plain forest extending over a few hundred hectares is the environmental peculiarity and the characterizing element of this itinerary. You arrive near abandoned farmhouses and large agricultural fields on the plain.

Keep left after passing a centuries-old oak tree and return to the SP 302. Take the right towards Ferretto and after traveling for about 300 meters, turn right in front of the entrance to a villa to enter the woods again. Continue for 250-300 meters until you reach a clearing full of heather. At this point, always paying close attention to the signs, take the path that is on the left forward. You cross, among sparse oaks, an expanse of Calluna vulgaris and continue along a path occluded by heather that runs alongside an agricultural field. It crosses a typical wood where there is a strong presence of pines in spots, present there because they are cultivated and now abandoned.

You pass near a small lake, other farmhouses and a large abandoned orchard. A secondary asphalted road is resumed for a while to continue for a long stretch in the oak forest, with the pine always present in small patches, while the shrubland is mostly represented by heather and juniper. Passing by a small agglomeration of renovated houses, continue in the direction of the Pieracci and follow the asphalted road to Petrignano del Lago at the crossroads. take you back to the starting point.

In short
Starting point: Ferretto (sports field)
Time taken: 02:40 h
Length: 10.71 km
Degree of difficulty: Hard

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