The "Luigi Boldrini" Paleontological Museum in Pietrafitta preserves a very important collection of fossils, a treasure of inestimable scientific value, especially for the number of species found and considered one of the richest and most important paleontological heritages in Europe.
The structure houses the fossil remains found in the basin that surrounds the upper valley of the Nestore river.
"L. Boldrini Paleontological Museum"
S-D 10.00-13.00 / 15.30-18.30 until March.
It can be visited only with a guided tour.
€ 5.00 adults
€ 3.00 children 7-17 years;
free admission 0-7 years.
Single ticket with "Glass Museum": adults € 6.00, children aged 7 to 17 € 4.00
For information: +39 3929595160
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